Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone


         This bestselling masterpiece of a book is written by J.K. Rowling, who has become very famous the last years, because she wrote the story about Harry Potter. This book is the first in the series. Kids and adults all over the world have been amazed by the delicate and exciting stories about Harry Potter, written in such a tantalizing way, that you barely can lay the book down.

         Harry Potter thinks that he’s an ordinary boy, well maybe not ordinary… he lives together with the evil Dursleys, who hate him, and he sleeps in a cupboard under the stairs. He also has a scar shaped as a bolt of lightning on his forehead! But one day, everything changes! Owls are delivering letters to him, they’re squeezing them under the door, and down the chimney. Uncle Vernon doesn’t want him to read them, so when the owls get to annoying, he takes the whole family with him, and leaves to a deserted island, far away from the town.

         Suddenly, in the middle of the first night at the island, Harry wakes up. Someone is knocking the door. A great big giant comes in, and takes Harry with him. The Dursleys are terrified, but Harry, he thinks it’s cool! The giant’s name is Hagrid, and he tells Harry that they’re going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry is not only a wizard, but he is a famous one too! He is amazed! His parents did not die in a car accident like the Dursleys told him, they were wizards, and they were killed by the evil Voldermort!

         It feels like it’s a dream as Harry and Hagrid buy all the things a wizard needs in the Diagon Alley, before he sends Harry of to platform 9 3/4, where he’s going to take the train to Hogwarts! This is the start of an amazing experience for Harry. He meets the redhead Ron on the train, a fellow wizard, and also Hermine, a girl with big curly hair and rabbit teeth. But it’s not all good, he also meets Draco Malyfoy and his friends, some nasty little boys, with big mouths!

         When they arrive at Hogwarts, they’re amazed, the old castle is full of magic, completely different from the normal world! They get sorted into the 4 different houses, which is going to be their “family” the whole time they’re at Hogwarts, by the Sorting hat. Hufflepuff, Rawenclaw, Slytherin and Gryffindor, are the different houses, and both Harry, Ron and Hermine ends up in Gryffindor, known for hosting some of the bravest wizards ever. Draco and his friends end up in Slytherin, the house known for hosting wizards who have later gone over to the Dark side, to Voldermort.

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         They’re having the best time of their life, the lessons are exciting, and Harry’s enjoying this new way of living. The only thing who bothers Harry is Snape, the Potions teacher, he is treating him like a pile of dirt! Draco does his best to make Harry’s life a hell, and tries to get him into trouble with the teachers. Instead, he manages to get Harry on the Quidditch team, which no first class student has ever been, at least not in a century.

         One day, a full grown troll is found inside Hogwarts under mysterious circumstances. It attacks Hermine in the bathroom, but Harry and Ron manage to do before the teachers come. They become heroes, but Draco is madder than ever!

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         Harry is busier than ever, with homework and Qudditch training, and the first match is coming up soon, and it’s against Slytherin… In the middle of the game, someone is jinxing Harry’s broom, so he nearly falls off. Ron and Hermine notice that Snape is staring at Harry, and run to stop him, which they manage to. Harry is saved, and Gryffindor win the game!

         Finally it’s Christmas Holiday, most of the students travel home, but Harry and Ron stay at school, and for the first time in his life, Harry actually gets Christmas presents!

         But it’s not only time for joy, Harry and Ron discover a gigantic three-headed dog, which is guarding a trapdoor. They wonder what it guards, and after many searches in the library, they find a name, Nicolas Flamel, the only person who has ever managed to create a Philosopher’s Stone, and they think that Snape is after it!

         Draco is as usual not making Harry’s life any easier, and this time they’re into real trouble. They get detention, they have to go into the Forbidden Forest in the middle of the night, together with Hagrid. Someone is killing the unicorns, just to suck their blood, and they’re going to find them! Harry is nearly killed by a dark, cloaked figure, but he’s saved at the last minute by a centaur, who is reading the stars, something bad is going to happen.

         As the time is going, they’re so afraid that Snape will try to steal the stone, that they guard the door which leads into the room with the three-headed dog. They decide to try to come into the trapdoor, to find the stone, so they can keep it safe, but when they enter the room, they find the three-headed dog asleep, and a magical harp is playing. They jump into the trapdoor, and fall into some plants, which nearly kills them, because they strangle against it, but they manage to get themselves free.  

         They come into a room where keys with wings fly around, and they also find an old broom. Harry manages to fly and catch the right key to the next door, where they are up for the next challenge, wizard chess! They have to take place as 3 of the chessmen, and play against the white ones. But to win, Ron has to scarify himself! Harry and Hermine looks horrified at his lifeless body, but they have to continue.

         In the next room, they find a puzzle, one of the potions will lead them to the stone, one will lead them back to the latest room, three will kill them and two are wine. Hermine solves the puzzle, and Harry travels to the next room, and Hermine back to the latest room to help Ron.

         Harry is eagerly surprised when he comes into the last room, the thief is not Snape, but the Dark Arts teacher, Quirrell. He has to play a dangerous game, and he meets the evil Lord Voldermort again! He is nearly killed this time, but he uses his last powers to concur Voldermort and Quirrell, and he saves the stone!

         Harry, Ron and Hermine are heroes again, and their saving of the stone is celebrated by everyone, except by Malfoy and friends… But things are getting even better! Gryffindor win the House Cup because of their brave hearts! Harry is extremely happy, not even the fact that is going to spend the summer with the Dursleys can destroy his happiness!