Først vil jeg bare si tusen takk for koselige tilbakemeldinger siden første innlegg ♡ Det har kommet inn noen mail med spørsmål om litt av hvert, mest ang søknadsprosessen og Texas State, som jeg har svart på. Tenker å ha noen Q and A’s innimellom, så bare fortsett å send meg spørsmål!

Er klassene på American College of Norway på Engelsk? Hvor mange fag har man der? Ja, alle klassene er på engelsk og alle professorene kommer fra samarbeidsskoler i USA – så alt går på engelsk hele tiden. Året er delt inn i 2 semestere, hvor man har 5 fag hvert semester. Disse er generelle fag de fleste bachelors trenger, som College Composition I og II.

Hvis jeg vil ta en bachelor, er jeg undergraduate eller graduate? Undergraduate. Graduate er du hvis du skal ta master.

Hvordan er campusen til Texas State, San Marcos? Er dette main campus? Utrolig fin!!! Skolefargen er maroon, så alle takene på bygningene er maroon, mens selve bygningene er lysebrune. Gir en skikkelig Hellas-vibe. Ja, San Marcos campusen er main campus!

Jeg, og mange andre jeg kjenner til, lurer veldig på hva du skrev i application essayet ditt som gjorde at du ble akseptert! Kan du vise det til oss? Utrolig spent! Ja, det kan jeg selvfølgelig gjøre. Husk at essay topics er forskjellig på alle universiteter. På Texas State hadde de fire forskjellige å velge mellom, og jeg valgte essay C som var å inkludere ’personal information that you want considered as part of your admissions application, showing that you can contribute to an institution committed to creating a diverse learning environment.’ Her er mitt essay:

"The first letter in your name rhymes with our Texan sweet tea, so I'm going to call you Sweet P." The words my three-year-old host sister said upon first meeting me at the Austin airport will never leave my mind. I had fearlessly embarked on my journey as an exchange student, and her enthusiasm instantly comforted me. The curiosity and wanderlust I was left with from traveling with my family around Europe was the sole reason I chose become an exchange student at the age of sixteen. As an exchange student, I had the chance to move to a completely new place for a year, which just happened to be Brenham, Texas. I had the opportunity to leave my heart in many new places, and truly experience almost everything the State of Texas had to offer. I attended Brenham High School, and played for the Cubette varsity soccer team. I watched Friday night football games, and even dated a football player. I tasted ranch dressing, and ate Texas BBQ for the first time. The host family I stayed with, whom I had never known in my life, is now like a second family to me. I do not know what was more bewildering: leaving my life in Norway behind for a year, or building a brand new life I'd potentially have to leave forever.

LES OGSÅ: I'm back, America

The most unique thing about my experience was the city of Brenham and its people. I made lifetime friends there, and with its population of only sixteen thousand, I felt, in a way, some kind of closeness to everyone. I might be big city-living as of right now, but from the bottom of my heart, I am truly a small-town girl, and Brenham showed me that. In a big city like Oslo, the current place I live and have grown up, the space and population is far too crowded to enjoy the countryside pleasures like those in Brenham. I am a believer in home being where the heart is, and I am thankful every day for being fortunate enough to have two families and two places I can call home. Stretching my boundaries and getting outside my comfort zone turned into the best decision I have ever made.


My exchange year, along with traveling since a very young age, has not only helped me grow as a person, but also made an impact on me into realizing how important education is. My educational experiences at Brenham High and the American College of Norway has shown me that I am much more comfortable and confident in the American learning environment rather than the traditional Norwegian environment. The experiences I have had all around the world have shaped me into an independent and self sufficient person. I have been many, many places, but I write this essay today because one thing is certain- I desire nothing more than to have another chance to live in Texas and further my education there.

LES OGSÅ: Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Because of the cultured lifestyle I have been privileged to live, I believe that I could contribute greatly to the diversity at Texas State. I want to share my unique experiences with others, and believe I could do so best in San Marcos. Above all, I hope to encourage others to be daring and take a chance, because just like my exchange year in Texas showed me, taking chances can end up changing your life in ways you never even fathomed. It has, with no doubt, shaped me into the person I am today. I left my heart in Texas.

​Jeg har hørt søknadsprosessen til USA er krevende. Er dette sant? Ja, dessverre. Søknadsprosessen til de fleste universiteter i USA er unødvendig lange og krevende. Jeg fikk mye hjelp av vertsfamilien min og rådgiveren på ACN, og hadde ikke klart det på egenhånd. Tok flere måneder før jeg var ferdig med bare søknaden til Texas State, også måtte jeg begynne på visum-søknaden som også tok noen måneder.

LES OGSÅ: My College Room

Skal du bo på campus? Isåfall har du roommate? Ja og ja, jeg skal bo i en av leilighetene som var tilbudt på campus som heter Bobcat Villages, sammen med med en jente fra Texas som heter Jessica. Aldri møtt hun før, men vi har snakket en del i det siste og hun virker supersøt.

Hvordan finner jeg ut hvor mye en skole koster? Har sett på Texas A&M, men vet jo ikke om jeg har råd. Hvis du googler ’Texas A&M cost of attendance international’ skal det komme opp. Så vidt jeg vet er også Texas A&M på ekstra-stipend listen til Lånekassen. Verdt å sjekke ut!